
Becoming a Sales Champion for Contact Centers

“Relationship selling is built on a win-win philosophy where a good sale benefits both the member and the credit union, because we never sell something to a member that they don’t need.”

Relationship selling is the foundation of our credit union’s culture of people helping people. It allows our credit union to create and keep members by developing long-term relationships and is the most significant way we can live out our credit union’s mission to improve our members’ financial well-being. This course is tailored for contact center professionals and gives everything you need to look beyond the transaction and seek to establish an ongoing relationship between the member and the credit union.


What's Covered

  • Establishing trust and rapport

  • Relationship sales model

  • Steps in the buying decision

  • How the selling process matches the buying process

  • The 10-second referral process

  • Course Overview

    Learn the relationship selling behaviors that build long-lasting relationships and improve your members' financial lives.

    Most people are reluctant to get involved in anything that sounds like a sales job. That's because we've let ""sales"" be defined by people that do it poorly. But the thing is, when we choose to buy a product or service from someone or someplace because it helps meet our needs, we don't think about it as a sales experience when in fact it was.

    We never want you to be a ""pushy"" sales person. Members hate it when we are pushing the exact same product on everybody regardless of specific need, but they love it when we share information that helps them make better decisions about their financial life. In this course, we teach you a relationship sales model that focuses on uncovering and meeting your credit union members' needs.

    This course is designed for contact center employees that are in roles where they can take applications for products/services (MSR's, Consumer Loan Reps, Mortgage Sales Reps, etc.). For employees in similar roles that aren't contact center employees, please see our Becoming a Sales Champion course.

    A Better Kind of Learning Experience

  • Learn From the Pros

    Online courses taught by experienced credit union professionals.

  • Watch On All Devices

    you'll have access to all of your course modules across all of your devices including mobile and tablets.

  • Transfer Knowledge To The Real World

     Module assessments will ensure you're ready to take what you learn and immediately start applying it to your work.

  • Full Year Of Course Access

    You get access to every class you purchase for a full year.

  • $28.00

    What's Included
  • Self-guided video course (38m 58s)
  • Module assessments to test knowledge
  • Watch on all devices
  • 12-months of course access
  • FromToPrice

    Select your quantity

    Who is taking the course?

    After purchase, you’ll assign courses to learners on your “Client Hub” page.